Learn To Code With Me

S6E15: The Rise of Coding Bootcamps (And How They Can Transform Your Career)



It can be tough to know if a coding bootcamp is the right investment for you. Before you make that decision, you should weigh all the factors involved and evaluate them in the context of your personality and goals. Here to help explain how to do this is Ruben Harris, CEO of Career Karma, where is empowers people to make their most important career decisions—the first being which coding boot camp is best for them. In this episode, we discuss… The history of bootcamps How to know whether attending a bootcamp is the right decision for you What happens if you decide you don’t want a job in tech afterwards How income-share agreements are making bootcamps more financially accessible than ever Learn more about Ruben and what we discussed on the Learn to Code With Me website. Thank you to this episode’s sponsors, Flatiron School and dotTech Domains.