Learn To Code With Me

S7E1: Making the Pivot from Pastor to Web Designer with Chris Misterek



With a full-time job as a worship pastor and as a single dad of three girls, Chris Misterek couldn’t afford to take any job that required him to be away from home. So on a friend’s recommendation, he started looking into web design, took courses, and even started building websites for his friends’ businesses or blogs. He eventually found his way to Showit, a family-oriented tech company, and in this episode, Chris talks about his transition from being a pastor to a web designer, time management strategies, the importance of having a variety of skills, and the role of Upwork in the development of his career. Learn more about Chris, host Laurence Bradford, and everything we discussed in this episode at learntocodewith.me/podcast. Thank you to this episode’s partner, Interview Cake, one of the best coding interview preparation courses out there! Learn To Code With Me listeners get 20% off at learntocodewith.me/cake.