Mortgage Banker University With Brett Mcdonell

#21: Leveraging Rising Interest Rates to Explode Your Pipeline and Help More Clients!!



WARNING: If you do not want to triple your pipeline, help a ton of clients and have your best month ever... DO NOT read any further or listen to this new episode.  In this episode of Mortgage Banker University, you will learn the strategies needed to not just deal with rising interest rates, but to thrive leveraging the threat and reality of them. The FEDS recent announcement to increase rates in October, 2017 provides both a threat and opportunity for mortgage professionals and homeowners. In this episode, you will learn: How to leverage the threat and reality of rising interest rates to explode your pipeline Upsides of rising interest rates Actionable strategies and Prospecting scripts to have your best month ever Final Warning: Your time is limited to act on these ideas and strategies - Dedicate 10 minutes to listen to this episode right now before some other opportunistic loan officer does, then uses these ideas to leverage rising rates to steal your client, or get a meeting with your referral partner.