Martial Moves

Douglas Wong: History



The podcast talks about the following topics (in order): Introduction Martial Moves Global Reach Camp of the Masters GM Douglas Wong Interview JAM (Joining All Movement) 1950's in Los Angeles (Watts) and Family Styles Shotokon and Tag Soo Do Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee, Ark Wong School Hopping / Mixing  Which arts worked? Kung-Fu had it's issues Tiny Lefiti and Mok Gar Ark Wong and "feeling it" Linear vs Circular movements Slap Checks Ed Parker and Kenpo Splashing Hands Kung-Fu Television Series Inside Kung-Fu magazine Forms VS Sets Teaching someone to fight VS Fight Choreography Lucy Lawless and her talent Fight Choreography Real Fighting and tactics Rules of Street Fighting. Did they exist? The Tongs What is he exploring now? Who do you wish you trained with? How do you generate power?