Create Your Magical Life Alana Sheeren

Replay: Body Glitter & a Trailblazing Attitude: Grace Quantock on living well with chronic illness



How do you feel about change? If you’re like most people, you’re excited and ready for desired changes and completely resistant to everything else. Sometimes even the change we think we want can challenge us immensely when we’re in the midst of it. (Think moving, or starting a new job.) Change happens—and it often means letting go of some things, experiencing wild inner growth, and taking in more magic as you stay open to possibility. But what if the change you’re in the midst of is unwelcome, difficult, and leaves you scared or sick or just plain miserable? It’s hard to find the magic in THAT kind of change. But we’ve all been caught in unwanted change and that’s what today’s guest is here to talk about. How do you find magic when you’re ill or in pain or suffering? Grace Quantock is a coach, speaker, author, and consultant from Wales who became ill in her teens. Instead of giving up on life, Grace believed that her dreams were worth pursuing and she found ways to keep moving forward – to keep finding magic