Life Builders By Julie Hamilton | Encouragement | Faith

Ep 103 Terra Mattson: Staying Rooted in Courage & Grace & Raising Daughters



"Two key factors I saw contributed to raising daughters well. 1) If they had a safe relationship with their parents, they could get through anything and 2) If they had an ONGOING dialogue, a slow drip of truth and real relationships." Terra Mattson, a Marriage & Family Therapist, combined all her clinical knowledge, ministry knowledge, and life experience to create dialogue and support for raising AND being daughters rooted in grace! Her free curriculum has been used to create mom/daughter groups all around the world (Courageous Girls), she founded Living Wholehearted and is now expanding into a conference called InCourage 2020 where she's bringing women together to create honest and beautiful conversations and bring healing. Today we talked about sin vs. survival behaviors, her biggest awakening, raising daughters in grace, and the biggest obstacles facing women'll be surprised about her insight on that one! Follow Terra's journey at  or on IG at @TerraMattson, @Living_Wh