Steal The Show With Michael Port

114 Mitch Joel on How to Create Content That Is Authentically You



“If you look at the past decade, I’d be challenged to see another industry as disrupted by technology as speaking.” - Mitch Joel (click to tweet) Today, most brands and businesses are also trying to be a media company. Selling a product or service is no longer enough. Whether it’s an engaging social media presence or valuable email marketing campaign—this new expectation of content creation provides an unprecedented marketing opportunity for companies all over the world. However, if we’re not careful, we can fall into the abyss of marketing noise; following templates and sticking to the norms will mask your authentic voice and have you hidden in the crowd. That’s why on today’s episode of Steal the Show, we are joined by Mitch Joel live at Heroic Public Speaking HQ to discuss content creation. Mitch has been called one of North America’s leading visionaries and the “rockstar of digital marketing” by Strategy Magazine. When brands like Google, Starbucks, Shopify, and GE want to leverage technology to better co