Steal The Show With Michael Port

117 Giovanni Marsico on How to Fill an Event



“You have to make it easy for other people to communicate the transformation. Not for you to communicate it for other people.” - Giovanni Marsico (click to tweet) Thanks to social media, we have the opportunity to engage with audiences before, during, and after events. When we do this, the in-person experience becomes something entirely different for the viewer: it’s the beginning of a performance. Because audience members participated in the conversation online, they feel like a contributor to the show—a member of the tribe. On today’s episode of Steal the Show, Giovanni Marsico speaks to us about how to build a following. Giovanni—a talent scout, curator, and connector of superheroes—is the founder of Archangel: a private membership community of mission-driven entrepreneurs that are making the world a better place through purpose-driven entrepreneurship and philanthropy. Listen to this episode to hear Giovanni’s insights on keeping focus while building a tribe for your personal speaking brand. You can atten