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HTE 423: Website Personalization With RightMessage | Brennan Dunn



Try Fin, your new on-demand executive assistant for free at Fin.com/hack Get 5 stunning photos for free at Twenty20.com/hack Brennan Dunn was on the show nearly three years ago. At the time, he had recently sold his software business and started Double Your Freelancing to help freelancers grow their businesses. Double Your Freelancing is now a $100k per month business and my guest worked to free himself up -- with this time he has jumped back into software with a brilliant new product called RightMessage, a marketing and website personalization tool. Oh and, if any of this catches your interest and you are listening within the week this episode is published, then head over to RightMessage.com/hack and get the brand new RightBar for your website absolutely for free. Don't yet know what personalization is? Don't worry we are about to dive deep into website personalization, how to use it, and what it can do for your business. Now, let's dive deep with Brennan Dunn.