Hack The Entrepreneur: Passive Income |business Ideas | Marketing

458: How to Scale Your Company (From the Founder of Google Analytics) | Brett Crosby



To get started absolutely for free, go to Combin Back in 1997, my guest and his brother co-founded a small software company called Urchin. During the next 8 years, they grew their company and developed the software that later became Google Analytics. In 2005, Urchin was acquired by Google, where Brett spent 9 1/2 years as the Director of Product Marketing for Chrome, Gmail, Docs, and Drive. In 2014, he decided it was time to throw his hat back into the ring with another company, and became the Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of PeerStreet, a platform for investing in real estate backed loans. He crafts the company's strategy, product and messaging. Now, let's hack... Brett Crosby.