Get Social Health With Janet Kennedy

Get Social Health Academy



Happy New Year! Welcome to 2016. I’m really happy we’ve reached 2016 for a number of reasons. 2015 was a year of a lot of work for me. I decided at about this time last year that I wanted to take the information I had been learning from the Get Social Health podcast and figure out a way to share that knowledge with the wider community. In particular, I was very interested in applying the lessons I learned from my podcast guests to helping the small healthcare practice. In speaking with my guests, one of the things I learned was how hard it was to get up to speed on social media once they decided to engage. I began to ask questions of other healthcare professionals, including my own physicians and asked them what they thought of social media. Many were still very focused on the day-to-day operations of their practices. However, they also recognized that social media was a force to be reckoned with. As a career marketer, I have always been very engaged with local business owners. Through my work with Get Social