Get Social Health With Janet Kennedy

Suicide Prevention through Inspiration



Meet Greg Van Borssum and Joe Williams. They don't just talk about suicide prevention, they live it. Every day. In March of 2016, I had the opportunity to serve as a Social Media Ambassador for the National Council on Behavioral Health at their annual conference. NatCon16 brought together almost 5,000 mental and behavioral health specialists for dozens of talks, presentations, poster displays and, most importantly, the chance to connect. As a Social Media Ambassador, my job was to capture my unique perspective on the event and share it via social media. As I wandered through the exhibition halls I met dozens of software companies, pharma representatives, educational training firms and workplace wellness programs. Turning down an aisle I heard voices with "not from around here" accents belonging to Australians Greg Van Borssum and Joe Williams. When you meet Greg and Joe it's easy to make a false assumption. What you see are strong, chipper, intelligent men who were successful professional athletes. What you d