Clearing The Fog With Co-hosts Margaret Flowers And Kevin Zeese

Two Marches on Washington to End Wars



President Trump formally requested the Pentagon to organize a military parade in Washington, DC on November 11, celebrated as Veteran's Day. However, groups of veterans want to stop the glorification of war and are organizing to reclaim the holiday as Armistice Day. This November is the 100th anniversary of the armistice that ended World War I. We speak with Brian Becker of the ANSWER coalition about the many groups organizing opposition to the military parade and calling for an end to wars at home and abroad. We also speak with Cindy Sheehan about the October Women's March on the Pentagon, which was organized in response to the Democratic Party-affiliated Women's Marches that omitted anti-war messages. Both Becker and Sheehan expose the bipartisan nature of the war machine in the United States. For more information, visit