Clearing The Fog With Co-hosts Margaret Flowers And Kevin Zeese

How to Make National Improved Medicare for All Inevitable;



The national movement for improved Medicare for All is gaining momentum, which means that we have the real potential to win a national universal public health insurance and means that our opponents will double down on preventing this. We speak with Dr. Carol Paris, outgoing president of Physicians for a National Health Program, about how the single payer healthcare movement has changed in the Trump era and where it needs to go. We also cover recent news, including the successful anti-racist actions in DC, the recent verdict against Monsanto and an update on the UPS worker fight for a contract. Visit For a more in-depth discussion of the movement for national Improved Medicare for All and specifics on ways the opponents are fighting back, subscribe to Clearing the FOG on Patreon and receive our bonus show, Thinking it Through. Visit