Clearing The Fog With Co-hosts Margaret Flowers And Kevin Zeese

Surviving in a Post-Crash Economy



The current generation is the first one in history that will have a lower standard of living than its predecessors and a shorter life expectancy. In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crash, where there are more people in part-time jobs with lower wages, fewer benefits and massive debt, people are forced to find ways to make  a living. In his new book, "Everything for Everyone: The Radical Traditions that are Shaping the New Economy," Nathan Schneider explains how his generation is incorporating old traditions, such as worker ownership, with new technology in creative ways to form a new economy that ends exploitation and nurtures fairness and democracy.  For an in-depth discussion of the political impacts of the 2008 financial crash and where we're headed, subscribe to Clearing the FOG on Patreon and receive our bonus show, Thinking it Through. Visit