Clearing The Fog With Co-hosts Margaret Flowers And Kevin Zeese

The Hawaiian Kingdom Still Reigns: Alleged Statehood is Illegal



In a textbook United States regime change operation, wealthy businessmen manufactured a revolution in Hawai'i and executed a coup d'état in 1893. The Queen of the Hawai'ian Kingdom surrendered the administration of the country, but never its sovereignty. A Hawai'ian Kingdom government continues to operate to this day and is working to regain its sovereignty. We speak with Hawai'ian Kingdom Foreign Minister Leon Siu about the story of Hawai'i's struggle for independence and the broken promises of the US government over the past century. This struggle is escalating through the current protests at Mauna Kea and has big plans in store this fall. We discuss where people in the US can learn more and how to support the Hawai'ian independence movement. Subscribe to Clearing the FOG on Patreon and receive our bonus show, Thinking it Through, plus Clearing the FOG totes, water bottles and T shirts. Visit And visit the new Popular Resistance Podcast Network at