Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

Internalized Homophobia



Hey Fam, So let's talk. Homophobia is defined as dislike or prejudice against homosexual people. Internalized homophobia is defined as the involuntary belief by lesbians and gay men (also trans people) that the homophobic lies, stereotypes, and myths about them (that are delivered to everyone in a heterosexist/homophobic society) are true. Many of us have been saturated with the beliefs of others. If you grew up in a religious home, then the shame was real. The shame did become internalized. What kind of damage does this do? There are so many people who hide because of the fear of family disowning them and kicking them out, a very real fear of hell and God hating them, people attacking them, etc. But hiding only works for so long before the need to express who you really are surfaces. Not only that, but the self-hatred that lies within will find a way to express itself. Many who commit domestic violence do so because they hate who they are. Once they have been intimate with someone of the same sex, an overwhe