Large Marge Sent Us

Episode 33: E.T.



E.T. phone home? More like E.T. you're terrifying and we could never watch this movie because it freaked us the fuck out! Here at Large Marge Sent Us, we were a bit young to appreciate the finer points of this Steven Spielberg classic which came out in 1982 and was the highest grossing movie until another Spielberg blockbuster broke that record (Jurrassic Park!). Tune in as we talk about the great 80s nostalgia that surrounds this film, how much the E.T. death thing freaked us out, how confused were were then (and now!) by this plot, and how we had our own Sweetie E.T. moment when we raised our own beta fish, who preceded to die a couple days later and then came to life and flew back to their spaceship! Just kidding. We buried them in our backyard. Elllliiiiiiiotttttttt.