Large Marge Sent Us

Episode 41: Flight of the Navigator



1986 was a magical year.  Sweety popped out of Carol’s womb and BONUS Disney brought us Flight of the Navigator! The ultimate alien abduction story with a twist! It’s 4th of July in 1978 and David goes to fetch his little brother from his friend’s  house, falls into a shallow ravine, wakes up and BOOM it’s 8 years later. David has no memory of the last 8 years and he hasn’t aged a day. Meanwhile, a mysterious spaceship has idled in Fort Lauderdale and NASA is like What dis? Turns out David and the spaceship are connected. How? To find out, you’ll have to listen to this awesome episode where we talk about how much we love time travel movies (even though they hurt our brain), how little brother Jeff turns into a hottie, and how a robot voiced by Pee Wee Herman CAN get annoying. Compliance! Theme song performed by Deidre Cullen. Logo designed by Frankie Donlon. Follow us on Twitter @TheSweetieClub and on Instagram @LargeMargeSentUs