Large Marge Sent Us

Episode 64: Men in Black



If you didn't think Will Smith was the coolest thing EVER in 1997, then you can just leave right now. Men in Black represents a key point of the Will Smith action comedy oeuvre, right next to Independence Day and Wild Wild West.  We saw this movie multiple times in the movie theaters when it came out and worshipped Will Smith in all his jumpsuited glory (hey he was even Sweety's fake boyfriend for a couple years!). Bear with us as our synopsis goes off the rails a little bit, but stay for the in depth discussion of the creepiness of Vincent D'Onofrio, our forever love for Tommy Lee Jones, the MIB tag game Sweety came up with for her gym class, and Sweetie's many warblings of the Men in Black theme song.    Theme song performed by Deidre Cullen. Logo designed by Frankie Donlon. Follow us on Twitter @TheSweetieClub and on Instagram @LargeMargeSentUs