Large Marge Sent Us

Episode 84: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade



Rejoice! Our first trilogy is complete! We watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and then cried because there are none left now (That's right, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull does NOT count!) Released in 1989, The Last Crusade brings together the powerhouse duo of Harrison Ford and Sean Connery and provides so many comedic moments that it's almost hard to count. Join us as we discuss our favorite parts, our favorite lines AND hear Sweetie sing her new favorite song: the Third Reich anthem (just kidding!) (but actually that is a catchy tune goddamn you Nazis.) Plus, catch a first listen of our new track "The Penitent Man (Kneel)" courtesy of Sweetie Records. Theme song performed by Deidre Cullen. Logo designed by Frankie Donlon. Follow us on Twitter @TheSweetieClub and on Instagram @LargeMargeSentUs