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Episode 92: The Money Pit



 The house is going to be great! Famous last words in this hilarious comedy from 1986, which was a very good year indeed because our sweet Sweety was born! We loved this film as kids, and heck we don't even know why because what did we know about home repair? But now that we're seasoned HGTV watchers, we totally get the plight of Walter and Ana, as they deal with the never ending nightmare of a reno project but also how this tests their fragile relationship that was unknowingly filled with massive trust issues! Wow, this is heavy.  Listen in as we chat about all the secondary characters we loved, sing multiple rounds of the "The Name Game" Song (Anna Banna Bobanna etc), and wax on endlessly about the comedic brilliance of the one, the only Tom Hanks!  This episode is brought to you by Sudio. Use the discount code LARGEMARGE to get 15% off your purchase of totally rad headphones!   Theme song performed by Deidre Cullen. Logo designed by Frankie Donlon. Follow us on Twitte