Large Marge Sent Us

Episode 100: The Return of the Jedi



YOU GUYS IT'S OUR 100th EPISODE!!!! We're celebrating by watching The Return of the Jedi and basking in the cuteness of Ewoks. We don't care if you hate them, we just want to know where we can get one. Join us as we talk about why this was our favorite Star Wars movie as kids, why Obi "Don't Call me Ben" Kenobi is a shifty liar, and review the abomination that is Hayden Christensen and why he wasn't content with just ruining 3 Star Wars movies. Fun fact: Apparently when you turn into a weird egg-head Evil Sith lord, you can decide if you want to look like your young boyish self or an old person. Who knew!?  Theme song performed by Deidre Cullen. Logo designed by Frankie Donlon. Follow us on Twitter @TheSweetieClub and on Instagram @LargeMargeSentUs.