Large Marge Sent Us

Episode 109: Working Girl



Sweety starts her first day of her NEW job today(Congrats Sweety, smell ya later unemployment) and we thought it was a perfect time to cover a movie all about the trials and tribulations of the 9-5, Working Girl! Starring Melanie Griffith, Sigourney Weaver, and Harrison Ford, Working Girl is about lady empowerment but also giant hair and poor eyeshadow choices from circa 1988 Staten Island, how hot Harrison Ford was back in 1988, why you should never mix tequila shots and unknown dosages of valium, andddd why every woman needs more Joan Cusack like friends and less sneakers with pencil skirts.  BONUS we Call Carol™ and chat about her thoughts on this movie and what is what like being a working girl (not a prostitute, get your minds out of the gutter!) in the 1980s.     Follow us on Twitter @TheSweetieClub and on Instagram @LargeMargeSentUs