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Bonus Episode: GUTS



Continuing our bonus episode tradition of covering awesome 90s gameshows, today we bring you Global Guts! So like everyone remembers the original Guts right? 3 US kids battled it out in these wacky events, culminating in an epic showdown on the nefarious Agrocrag??! But THEN they got the bright idea to take this shit international, and kids from all over the world came to compete for a piece of the 'Crag.  So basically, like Kids Olympics! Hosted by Mike O'Malley (coincidentally also the name of one of our Dad's friends growing up!) and with overly polished ref Mo, Global Guts taught us that cargo nets, bungees, and lots of dry ice will take you far in life, but the only way to master the 'Crag is if you don't forget to push all the light sensors! We'll chat about what our cool nickname would be on the show, do some Mo impressions, and how cool it must have to get a piece of the 'Crag! Do do do do do you have it? GUTS!   Theme song performed by Deidre Cullen. Logo designed by Frankie Donlon. Follow us on Twit