Large Marge Sent Us

Episode 119: Moonstruck



Best day ever guys! Carol was in town and we thought it apropos to do her favorite romantic comedy of all time, Moonstruck! A lot of you may not be familiar with this flick from 1987 but Cher won the Oscar for the this role - where she plays a widower who is all ready to settle for some sad sack mama's boy, until she goes to invite his brother to the wedding and gets swept off her feet by .... Nicholas Cage a very intense bread baker with a wooden hand! Okay, crazy plot but it's a really good film, with some great performances and we had such a blast as Carol joined us live and in person to chat it up Sweetie Style. We chatted about alternative titles for this film, the operatic influences in the film, how Cher never gets old both in spirit and physically, if Nick Cage can pull off the romantic lead and the nuances of makeover scenes in movies, and we have to agree this one has a pretty good one. Snap out of it!