Large Marge Sent Us

Episode 123: My Cousin Vinny



HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE!!!!  Lil Ole Sweetie turned the big 3-5 this weekend, and while she celebrated all week the piece de resistance is definitely getting to watch her favorite court room comedy of all time, My Cousin Vinny! Holy hella this movie is funny and perhaps is most known for Marisa Tomei's star turn and OSCAR win for playing Miss Mona Lisa Vito, a wearer of tight dresses but also a whiz at car mechanics! We love her and this movie about two recent NYU grads (one is Ralph Maccio aka Danielson) who find themselves taking a road trip in Alabama only to be in the wrong place, wrong time when a store clerk at the Sac of Suds get murdered and they were the last ones seen entering the store. Cue Joe Pesci as one of the kids cousins who just passed the NY State Bar Exam, who comes to the rescue as their lawyer, despite not really knowing what the hell he is doing. This is Joe Pesci at his finest and we loved slapping on our best Brooklyn accents and discussing Ralph Macchio's unfortunate dirt lip, details