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Episode 124: Rookie of the Year



Sweetie's second pick for her birthday week is Rookie of the Year, her favorite baseball movie from the 90s with her number one crush in it .... that guy who she doesn't know his name. But man is he cute! Released in 1993, Rookie of the Year follows a year in the life of Henry Rowengartner, a 12 year old who is pretty horrible at baseball, despite giving it all he's got. He has a horrible fall one day, breaks his arm, and when it heals back up a couple weeks later, the ligaments have melded to the bone giving him a literal rocket arm, which he finds out he has when he attends a Cub game and throws a home run ball back to home plate all the way from the bleachers! Despite being 12, Henry gets recruited to play for the Cubs and becomes an all star pitcher - taking them all the way to the Division playoffs! This movie is super cute and despite some real cheesy comedy, Sweetie still cried buckets at the end, so guess that means it's an A plus movie after all. We'll talk about our love/hate relationship with baseb