Large Marge Sent Us

Episode 131: Jaws



Happy summer guys! Since it's summer, we thought it would be apropos to do the first summer blockbuster of all time----1975's JAWS! Directed by our pal (and yours!) Stevie Spiels, Jaws tells the story of a killer fish run amok in the small seaside community of Amity Island. Chief Brody, city-slicker/land lubber threatens to close the beaches after a horrendous shark attack, but mayor Larry Vaughn wants to keep them open to reap all that tourist money. Unfortunately a lot of people die and Brody, sweet little Matt Hooper plus psychopath amateur shark hunter and drunk Quint, must find the shark and kill it. This movie made us shit our pants and Sweety still can't watch it all the way through without a pillow or other strategic means of eye covers. Join us as we talk about the scariest scenes, the best monologue of all time plus bonus we call Carol and she tells us what it was like seeing this in the theater in 1975....basically alone. Follow us on Twitter @TheSweetieClub and on Instagram @LargeMargeSentUs Theme