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Episode 157: Teen Wolf



We'd thought it was time to go back to the 80s for our next movie selection, and more specifically 1985 when Teen Wolf starting Michael J. Fox was released! Sweety has never seen this pretty class 80s movie about a high schooler with zero self confidence and debatable basketball skills, who discovers he's actually a werewolf! Turns out everyone in school thinks it's pretty cool and lucky for him it also gives him magical powers to be basically good at anything.  So he sky rockets in popularity, gets the hot girl he's been ogling, but unfortunately becomes kind of a tool in the process.  Turns out it's better just to be yourself - and not hog the basketball - you'll make more friends that way! The Sweeties declare this a bad good movie in that it's totally cheesy and kind of a mess, but a feel good flick nonetheless! We'll try to get to the bottom of the rules of this werewolf stuff, talk about how we think Boof is the coolest female character ever, and how much we love Michael J. Fox in basically everything h