Cadors - Civil Aviation Daily Occurrence Reporting System - Canada

Springbank CYBW Prairie and Northern Ep004



Canadian Civil Aviation Daily Occurrence Reporting System, Prairie and Northern Region, Episode 4 - CYBW - Springbank. 2018C5770 December 16th, 2018 Calgary Flying Club Cessna 172 C-GKMH departed assigned altitude inbound on the North Ghost Route. 2018C5202 November 17th, 2018 Springbank Air Training Cessna 172 C-GSTC departed assigned altitude outbound and came within 300 feet of C-GKMH. 2019C2428 June 3rd, 2019 Calgary Flying Club Cessna 172 C-GORL departed assigned heading intercepting South Ghost Route. Thanks to for the audio. In the audio clip, 25 seconds of silence was removed. 2018C5178 November 16th, 2018 Cessna T310R C-FKKR flew at a low altitude over Banff. 2018C5269 November 23rd, 2018 improperly aimed laser Christmas lights. Guest: Praveen Premchandran Music: "Contemplation" by JewelBeat You can contact the podcast at Website: