Grace & Grit Podcast: Helping Women Everywhere Live Happier, Healthier And More Fit Lives

Episode 030: Easy Ways to Adopt a More Eco-friendly Lifestyle w/ Laura Trotta



We are living in fast and furious times, making decisions without thinking about the long-term impact of those decisions, which is ultimately causing a lot of dis-ease and dysfunction not just within our bodies but within our environment. I often tell the women I work with that their health has everything to do with them AND yet it is SO much bigger than them. And what I mean by that is that YOU are the only person who can take responsibility for the choices that affect your health, and at the same time the choices you make in regards to your health will impact so much more than just you. Your choices affect the people around you, the environment you live in and ultimately the health of our planet. Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Notes: 4:10: More about Laura’s story and how she ended up developing a company dedicated to helping educate people about living a more eco- friendly lifestyle. 12:15: Eco-ceptiona