Grace & Grit Podcast: Helping Women Everywhere Live Happier, Healthier And More Fit Lives

Episode 070: Liberating the Point of You w/ Kimberly Dawson



Deep health requires a deep level of self-respect. And, while many women may agree with that in theory, they often struggle with the application part. Treating yourself with consistent self-respect demands awareness, compassion, the willingness to make decisions that may go against the grain of cultural norms, the courage to set boundaries and the confidence to protect those boundaries. No small feat…to say the least. In this week’s episode of the Grace & Grit podcast I had the privilege of interviewing Kimberly Dawson, who specializes in helping people to get out of their own way so they can strengthen their “self-respect” muscle and play full out in their life. Kimberly has been developing her own inspired approach to manifesting the lives and businesses we most desire for many years. Her approach centers around one significant discovery: that what we each stand for, what we each seek, and what we each unknowingly deny ourselves, are all the same possibility — which she now calls the Point of You. If yo