Grace & Grit Podcast: Helping Women Everywhere Live Happier, Healthier And More Fit Lives

Episode 076: A Woman of Grace & Grit: Babeth Schuring



My mother jokes I came out of the womb dancing. I am not joking when I say that my movement journey has literally introduced me to all the best parts of my life from friends to my career to my husband. In fact, movement is what introduced me to today’s incredible guest, and my dear friend, Babeth Schuring. When I started this podcast, I knew I would have her as a guest on this show at some point because she is such a powerful example of a woman who literally moves through live with grace & grit and a testimony to the fact that you can step into your prime whenever you decide to. Babeth set out to improve her own health story several years ago and never could have anticipated the way it would expand her life and the possibilities for her life. Tune into this episode to hear an inspirational story about a remarkable woman who chose to let her curiosities guide her on an adventure she never could have anticipated. >>Are you loving the Grace & Grit Podcast? Help us keep the mic on! Then head over to iTun