Grace & Grit Podcast: Helping Women Everywhere Live Happier, Healthier And More Fit Lives

Episode 130: Why Diet & Exercise Aren’t Enough



Although there are many forms of stress that directly influence our health, in this episode of the Grace & Grit Podcast, I specifically address the power that psychological stress has to influence physiology. You could be doing everything right with your diet and exercising religiously but, if you aren’t managing what is happening in your head, you may either struggle to create the results you are looking for and/or maintain the results you create. The work that I do with my clients focuses just as much on mindset as it does diet and exercise and today I want to explain WHY learning to manage your psychological stress has EVERYTHING to do with optimizing your physiology. Click here to learn more and LISTEN NOW. >>Are you loving the Grace & Grit Podcast? Help us keep the mic on! Then head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Looking for more Grace & Grit? Visit