Grace & Grit Podcast: Helping Women Everywhere Live Happier, Healthier And More Fit Lives

Episode 190: Trimming the Holiday Fat



There is often a disconnect between what we believe the holidays are about and how we actually go about living them. We say we believe the holidays are all about love, peace, gratitude, and connection, but we don’t make time for those things. Or, we are only partially present. Instead, we live the holidays stressed, fatigued, overwhelmed, resentful, and frustrated. Worse yet, we use the rational that we are doing it for others. But here’s a hard truth… if mama ain’t happy, no one is happy! If you truly want to enjoy the holiday season this year and roll into the New Year feeling energized and ready, check out this episode of the Grace and Grit Podcast. You can listen here:   ****   Are you loving the Grace and Grit Podcast?  Help us keep the mic on! Become a Patron: Leave a Review: Looking for more Grace and Grit? Visit