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Esports Roundup and a World-Size Sim (Ep. 38)



The Ringer's Ben Lindbergh and Jason Concepcion talk to Compete's Eric Van Allen about Nintendo's surprising new esports acumen with 'Splatoon 2,' 'Arms,' and 'Pokkén Tournament' (2:07), esports franchising and the future of competitive 'Overwatch' and 'League of Legends' (4:33), the difficulty of producing a comprehensible esports broadcast (9:09), the high ceiling of 'Rocket League' (13:27), esports on college campuses (16:50), and esports in VR (20:00). Then they bring on Richard Knol, the lone developer of planet-size sailing simulator 'Sailaway' (24:30), to explain how he accurately modeled Earth's oceans with real-time (26:19), real-world weather (28:10), how he's trying to satisfy sailing experts without making his sim inaccessible (36:05), and why water is such a challenge for game-makers (33:34). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit