Achievement Oriented

'Overwatch,' 'Castlevania,' and Games Done Quick (Ep. 42)



The Ringer's Ben Lindbergh and Jason Concepcion discuss some of the challenges facing competitive 'Overwatch' in Season 5, including depleted rankings and a misaligned rewards system (0:39). Then they bring on their colleagues Matt James and Micah Peters to talk to 'Castlevania' executive producer Adi Shankar about the new Netflix series, 'Spider-Man: 'Homecoming,' Shankar's creative process, and the secrets to making a good video game adaptation (7:14). Lastly, Ben and Jason talk to writer Jacob Oller about the success of Summer Games Done Quick, why Oller likens the event to the Olympics, and why speedrunning is so fascinating (44:02). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit