Flick Yeah!

Episode 1 - Book to Movie Adaptations



In the first episode of Flick Yeah!, Hannah and Anne (mainly) discuss books that have been made into movies. Seen Recently - Cokelorette. Wait, I mean, Bachelorette. - Jurassic Park: Anne has  A LOT to say about this one. - Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging: Why do the cute ones have to be so crazy? - The Prestige: Spoiler alert! If you haven't seen the movie, stop listening when we tell you to and skip ahead to 49:42. - The Time Traveler's Wife: Hannah really likes this one. Seriously. - The Lord of the Rings: Anne's bible. - The Hunger Games: A better back and forth that hopefully previews more of what is to come. And a SURPRISE!!!