Flick Yeah!

Episode 10.1 - And the Nominees Are...



Tonight on a very special Flick Yeah!, we bring you the "best" of 2012! For our 10th episode, we change things up with a two parter where we dig in to this year's Oscar nominees. It's everything you need to make an informed decision for your Academy Award party bets! In Part 1 we discuss the movies up for Best Picture and give you our picks. Amour - We do NOT amour this movie. Argo - We hope the Academy does not say "argo fuck yourself" to this one. (Check out episode 7 for our in depth discussion) Beasts of the Southern Wild - How come people weren't talking about this one when it came out? Django Unchained - Tarantino Unchanged Les Misérables - Yes, yes they are. (Check out episode 8 for our in depth discussion) Life of Pi - Richard Parker! Lincoln - Just one a them Oscar movies. (Check out episode 6 for our in depth discussion) Silver Linings Playbook - Mildly confused about this one. Zero Dark Thirty - Better if she'd just been nominated for best director? Tune in for the next episode in about a week t