Flick Yeah!

Episode 11 - Where there's a Will, there's a Way



The Oscars were fun but we're glad they're over. On the 11th episode of Flick Yeah!, we get back to basics and what better way to do that than to celebrate the one and only Will Smith? This week we give you the best of Will Smith's Action SciFi movies and we kick things off with TWO movies currently in theaters. IN THEATERS Safe Haven - Really, Cobie Smulders. Really?? Jack the Giant Slayer - Fee-fi-fo-fum. I smell the blood of, er, a fine movie. THEME MOVIES Independence Day - "THIS IS THE BEST MOVIE EVVERRR" "That's not entirely accurate." "What? Which part?" Wild Wild West - More like Wild Wild Mess iRobot - "Sorry. I'm allergic to bullshit" Men in Black III - Nice work, Josh Brolin! You can now follow us on Twitter @flickyeahcast and as always, feel free to give us some love at flickyeahpodcast@gmail.com, flickyeah.libsyn.com, or find us on iTunes! Peace, love, and movies.