Flick Yeah!

Episode 12 - Screen Cuisine



Hey, Flickers! We're back with episode 12 and this week we discuss movies that strongly feature food. Mmmm… We apologize for the poor sound quality. We were evidently experiencing some technical difficulties. BUT we hope you enjoy it, nonetheless! IN THEATERS Oz The Great and Powerful - Not bad for a kids movie. THEME MOVIES Chocolat - "You mean Chocolate with Johnny Depp?" Mostly Martha - Mostly Awesome. Waitress - Not what you'd expect. Julie and Julia - More like Chris and Stanley. PLUS! Some new games for you to play along with. (We'll make them more difficult next time, we promise) Follow us on Twitter @flickyeahcast, write to us at flickyeahpodcast@gmail.com, check out our website at flickyeah.libsyn.com, subscribe/write a review on iTunes, google us, do all the things. :D Peace, love, and movies.