Flick Yeah!

Episode 16 - Unseen (by us) Classics



In episode 16, Hannah and Anne discuss a few movies that had somehow slipped through the cracks up until now. But first, hear them chatter excitedly about the latest Marvel flick! IN THEATERS Iron Man 3 - When do WE get to wear the suit? THEME MOVIES All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) - It is, indeed, quiet on the western front. Bonnie and Clyde (1967) - Pchoo Pchoo! Taxi Driver (1976) - Maybe don't watch this one by yourself. My Left Foot (1989) - Did you guys know Daniel Day-Lewis could act?? And as always, we throw in a couple of games for your listening pleasure. Show us some love at flickyeahpodcast@gmail.com, flickyeah.libsyn.com, @flickyeahcast on Twitter, and subscribe/write a review on iTunes. Oh yeah, and tell a friend! Peace, love, and movies.