Flick Yeah!

Episode 21 - Why, SNL? Why?



Thanks for being patient, loyal listeners! We realize we've slacked a little the last few weeks but we're back with the 21st installment of Flick Yeah! where we discuss a few movies based on SNL sketches. We saw them so you don't have to! (Yes, we realize you probably already have. At least we can all share in this regret.) IN THEATERS The Heat - Definitely funny but does it live up to the hype? THEME MOVIES Wayne's World - "Party time! Excellent!" Coneheads - "Your positive perception of me is vital to my existence." A Night at the Roxbury - How is this a movie? How??? Superstar - The fact that we thought this was funny when we were adolescents speaks to its maturity/humor level. You know where to find us!  flickyeah.libsyn.com, @flickyeahcast, flickyeahpodcast@gmail.com, subscribe/write a review on itunes! Peace, love, and movies.