John Selig Outspoken

Episode 79 - John Selig Outspoken (The Book) - Today Was My Day From Hell



This is an essay for my upcoming book entitled Today Was the Day from Hell. On January 12th 2012 a newspaper article in Canada's Globe and Mail Newspaper indicating that same-sex marriages in Canada, like Rodolfo's and mine where the couple lived in a country or state that wouldn't perform or recognized same-sex marriages would be invalidated in Canada and treated as if the never occurred. I was in a state of panic all day until I received a joint press release from several LGBT and mainstream organizations including Lambda Legal, the National Center for Lesbian Rights, the American Civil Liberties Union, Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders and Freedom to Marry assuring same-sex couples married in Canada that our marriages were not in jeopardy and not likely to be. I decided to send an email to family, friends, activists, executive directors of LGBT organizations, elected officials and media friends (over 250 people). and I posted it on my Facebook page for more than 2,000 friends to read The purpose