Flick Yeah!

Episode 84 - About a Hornby



Even with vacation season upon us, we managed to squeeze episode 84 in. This time around, we discuss a few movies based on Nick Hornby novels. Unfortunately, we start things off with Tom Hiddleston's latest flick, which Hannah honestly wanted to walk out of. Enjoy! IN THEATERS High-Rise - What in the world is this movie about? Seriously, tell us. THEME MOVIES Fever Pitch (1997) - Even with Colin Firth, this one isn't as cute as the remake. High Fidelity - Did adults like this movie when it came out? About a Boy - Cute but not that cute. A Long Way Down - An entertaining one-act play. Wait, that wasn't their intention? E-mail us at flickyeahpodcast@gmail.com, follow us on Twitter and Instagram @flickyeahcast, like us on facebook at facebook.com/flickyeahpodcast, and subscribe/write a review on iTunes! Intro music by Andre Kennedy. Like him on facebook and check him out on SoundCloud! Peace, love, and movies.