Life. Unrestricted. Podcast: Boost Your Body Image And Recover From Food & Exercise Madness.

LU 025: Harriet Brown – "The Body of Truth" reveals what’s wrong in today’s thin-obsessed world.



Download Episode! Lovely radicals, how wonderful to have you back! In today's episode of the "Life. Unrestricted." podcast, I talk to Harriet Brown from Syracuse, New York. She is an award-winning author, a poet, magazine editor and professor at the S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, and she writes, researches and teaches about eating disorders and body image. She has written for the New York Times Magazine, Psychology Today and many others. Her experience with having a daughter who suffered from anorexia inspired her to begin working as an advocate for better eating-disorders treatment. She is the author of several books, two of which I’d like to mention: The first is called "Brave Girl Eating" in which she writes about how they, as a family, fought against her daughter Kitty’s anorexia. And second, of course, the groundbreaking book called "The Body of Truth – How Science, History, and Culture Drive our Obsession with Weight and What We Can Do about it". The two of us f