Life. Unrestricted. Podcast: Boost Your Body Image And Recover From Food & Exercise Madness.

LU 030: Marsha Hudnall – Helping women find body-peace and a full life after an eating disorder.



Download Episode! Lovely radicals! In today's episode of the "Life. Unrestricted." podcast, I get to talk to Marsha Hudnall from Ludlow, Vermont. Marsha is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, and she really has been a voice of reason and a thought leader for the last three decades in helping women move away from restrictive notions of food and health. Ever since 1986, Marsha has been a guiding force at Green Mountain at Fox Run, the Vermont women’s retreat that pioneered the non-diet approach to health and weight. She now serves as president and co-owner, and she is passionate about all of her work. She is an accomplished writer who has written hundreds of articles for popular magazines, and professional journals and has worked extensively to educate the public about nutrition and about the impact of dieting and the internal diet-mentality that drives our eating behaviors and obsession with weight. Marsha is also the president of the Center For Mindful Eating and a former board member of the Binge Eating