Life. Unrestricted. Podcast: Boost Your Body Image And Recover From Food & Exercise Madness.

LU 035: Dan Lewin – A man turns his body image and weight issues around and helps others heal.



Hey there, lovely radicals! This week on the "Life. Unrestricted." podcast, you'll hear me a chat with a fellow official "Body Image Movement Global Ambassador": Dan Lewin from the Sunshine Coast in Australia! Dan is 35 years old and has recently graduated with a Bachelor of Nutrition & Dietetics (Honors) and he has started working for a group of specialized dietitians dedicated to working with clients who are battling eating disorders, disordered eating and weight and body concerns in general. In all of his work, he uses the principles of Health at Every Size (HAES) and the non-diet approach. He is very passionate about working with community and raising awareness around body image issues, for women as well as men. As a professional photographer, he uses imagery as a tool to bring attention to male and female body image concerns. Today, you’ll hear Dan talk about: – How he remembers his relationship to food and body as a young boy – Where he got the message that his body was too big – What the role of h