Flick Yeah!

Episode 126 - It's All Right Here in My Noodle



This month we took a listener request and watched a handful of movies about classical composers--though, as it turns out, not about composing. We kick things off with the Oprah-filled adaptation of the Madeline L'Engle classic, A Wrinkle in Time. Enjoy! IN THEATERS A Wrinkle in Time - Regardless of how you feel about the book, the movie leaves something to be desired. THEME MOVIES Song of Love - Sweet and fun but not enough composing. Amadeus - More composing but still not enough. Impromptu - Hot mess and not enough composing. Bride of the Wind - Women are one thing, apparently, and not enough composing. E-mail us at flickyeahpodcast@gmail.com, follow us on Twitter and Instagram @flickyeahcast, like us on facebook at facebook.com/flickyeahpodcast, and subscribe/write a review on iTunes! Intro music by Andre Kennedy. Like him on facebook and check him out on SoundCloud! ​ Peace, love, and movies.